The GIMBA Therapy






1. Burning Kriya - For Mind remapping

Uprooting the wrong plants from the garden of your mind. People have taken their mistakes as granted and repeating them. They are planting wrong seeds in the garden of their mind and are totally unaware about the its harvest. What you reap is what you have sown. 

2. Neutrality Kriya - For Mind Resetting
After completing the Burning Kriya one has to complete the neutrality kriya and must observe 24 hours under neutral state of mind  to make more suitable for sowing seeds in their garden of mind. 

3. Sowing Kriya - For Mind remapping
After completing the Burning and neutrality Kriya, one has to plant the seeds in the garden of their mind. For this they have to start with the gratitude meditation followed by writing process. 
4. Caring Kriya - After planting a seed, caring is must. Do your best to ensure that the seeds survive with your regular care. Care must be taken 
with waking consciousness to cultivate your seed, allow it to germinate and develop it fully to get the desired output. 

Flip the Script" - An initiative of United Nations


Mind remapping thru GIBMA Kriya using 4P Technique

By Dr. Jyotsna Singh - Scientist & Psychologist.

Road Accident deaths in India in 2021 - 1,55,622 Nos.  as per National Crime Records Bureau NCRB. Highest Deaths .

Objective – Experimenting Mind Remapping with GIBMA Kriya and to assess its effectiveness by seeking feedback from participants .

Experiment Design

We can use our intellect to use our mind to change our brain to change our mind for the better.

GIMBA Therapy – 4 step process for mind remapping -

Burning Therapy – (Destruction)
Neutrality Therapy –(Renovation)
 Sowing Therapy - (Installation)
Caring Therapy .- (Integration)


Goal Mapping- Reach planned destination every day when using public roads & maintain good ranking and mastery in self-control in an out of control world. 

Intellect Mapping- Superscript to store in the subconscious prepared on the principle of science of psychology containing positive affirmation.

Mind Mapping
– Mind either runs in the memories of the past or wanders in future events to happen. This should happen with me and that should not happen with me. This mind wandering can be minimized with the super technique. We humans are being controlled by our mind and we should learn how to control our mind and be a master of self-control in an out of control world. Must strengthen your intelligence by analyzing carefully what is right and what is wrong. Your intelligence is strong then it will overpower that mind which is instigating to make a shift from the current task.

Brain Mapping- Based on input the brain process the command in the right direction to take action.


Action Mapping – Transforming action into preparedness to handle new situations every day on public roads.


Output - Feedback seeking.

Conclusion - Study and Analysis based on feedback.

Recommendation – GIBMA Kriya – transforming community awareness into preparedness .


100 Nos. road users of mixed age group.


Roads are deadlier than pandemic as roads are killing many lives and families of road accident victim hardly get a chance to say last goodbye. Road accident deaths are a global issue and United Nations and its member countries are working on this issue to resolve it. Despite many awareness campaigns that has been promoted by the local government, civil societies, corporate and NGOs these accident deaths are increasing. People have taken their mistakes as granted and repeating them. They know what is right but they don’t want to implement those principles in their daily life because they are being controlled by the mind that instigates to prefer convenience over safety for instant gratification.

A The science behind why we do things we're told not to do".  .As per the finding, desire to be in control of one's own life motivates people to take action when others tell them not to. The behavior is purely psychological and is known as reactance, which is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure that we're free to do whatever it is that we want to do with our own lives. When you label something as Forbidden Fruit and then tell people they can't eat it, you make them want it, even if they didn't want it at first. Whenever you hear words like "you won't believe," or "you don't know," the brain automatically encourages you to challenge the title, making you want to see more and do more. Other than genetics, there are many other factors that may contribute to your urge to do things you're prohibited from doing, and psychology and physiology often play a major role in why we don't have to worry about intimidation and restraint.

Everything in life is risky, getting married is risky, having children is risky, doing job is risky, doing business is risky, and road journey is very risky. People take risk in all these areas as an adventure and if failed once they try for 2nd. But the repeated risk in road journey leads to accidental suicide. 

People have taken their mistakes for granted and repeat them. People repeat mistakes because it has been deposited in their subconscious with the participation of their mind. While committing the offence of traffic violation, the risk/fear  of getting caught is involved.

The mind is always completely involved in wrongdoings because there is a fear of getting caught and the mind is involved in all those tasks of traffic offences and it gets deposited in the subconscious and become habit . While learning vehicle driving the risk/fear of accident is involved and people pay full attention and no mind wandering. But after learning they pay divided attention because they feel no risk is involved in driving now.

There is no risk in good deeds and the mind keeps on wandering and good deeds do not get deposited in the subconscious.  
When a person is following traffic rules that mind wandering will be more of that person. 


Take immediate action to change the habit before it becomes the reflex / behaviour.

The Ho'ponopono technique "Thank you universe, please forgive me, I love you" used by Dr. Hew Len on mental patients worked well, because the brains of all those mental patients got stuck, and under that state of mind when those patients used the ho'ponopono technique, all got cured. The minds of all the patients  was fully  involved in the process, in the technique, they paid full attention while speaking these powerful words and that helped them to deposit those words in the subconscious, and universe takes account of the words or deeds where mind is involved. This technique will work on normal state person only if that person pays full attention, else it will not. They must have fear or need to use special technique to pay full attention and that special technique has been used in the experiment under this research article and it can be seen in the foregoing paras.

When we go to church, temple, mosque or Gurudwara and pray, there is no risk involved in praying and the mind is not involved in prayer. The Almighty God takes note of those deeds in which the mind is involved and court of law takes note of those deeds where your body actions are involved.


The root cause is overlooked by Global Community. People are sowing seeds in their mind without knowing their fruits. Seeds are idea, opinion, prejudices and concept. They plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. When fruit comes then they sadly says why it has happened to them. While committing mistakes the mind is always involved in that wrongdoing because of the fear of getting caught and that wrongdoing gets stored in the subconscious. People know what is right and they have taken their mistakes for granted and repeating them, and this mindset is required to be remapped. Unknowingly people are falling into self-deception trap and they are not even aware of it. There is a need to uproot the wrong plants and sow the right seeds in the garden of the mind. Plant the right seeds in the garden of your mind thru mind remapping using GIBMA Kriya.


There is no "U" turn and no second chance of taking risk on roads because the consequences are the heavy price, a price of lives, price of medical expenses on treatment, price of legal proceedings and price of pushing family to poverty. It is important to know that the status quo of increasing road accident deaths are inevitable. The status quo can be changed and the desire to change the status quo must be greater than the desire to remain same.


There is a need for the mind remapping thru GIBMA Kriya to transform public awareness into preparedness. It is necessary to set goals, feed controlled inputs to subconscious to get controlled outputs using a method that allows the inputs to be fed to subconscious as effectively as possible and the subconscious process the direction to take action. Meditation is the best source to enhance focus and anticipatory gratitude meditation is the only source to activate connection with the cosmos to identify the safety messages sent by the cosmos.

The goal must be set, the input script must be carefully prepared with positive affirmation and present tense and negative affirmation and future tense must be avoided in the input script. If we use negative affirmation and future tense in the script and if we use the positive affirmation and present tense in the script to be used as input and the comparison study  can determine the better output and outcome. That specific script should be used as controlled input to get controlled output. A glass filled with water must be kept near you while reciting and writing the script, on completion of the reciting and writing process, must drink the full glass water kept near you.    The WP, BP, HP & CP techniques with a glass of water can be used to feed controlled input to the subconscious, enabling it to use the input to get controlled output on the basic IPO principle (Input-Process-Output). 

Methods - GIBMA Kriya for mind remapping and study design

 We compared the  output and behavioral changes with and without GIBMA Kriya and confounders between road users actions and behavior that were responsible for traffic law violations and crashes (out of control - OOC Cases) and the road users actions and behavior that were not responsible for crash (Master of Self-control - MOSC cases) in an out of control world. OOC cases and MOSC cases obtained from participants before and after the process (same technique, process and observance).

The experiment was conducted in the century club for half an hour for GIBMA Kriya with 4P techniques  (writing process WP, breathing process BP, hydro process HP and cosmic process CP) by using the superscript of 5F Matrix on the participants.

Psychologists drafted special script call as superscript to be used for feeding it into the subconscious of the participants under this proposed research & experiment. The superscript contains only positive affirmative words, which means don’t and no words have been omitted, and it is referred to as the 5F matrix superscript. This script was conceived based on the science of consciousness and psychology. The process was experimented on the participants group.

On the set process of GIBMA Kriya, 100 participants of mixed age group were invited to a community club to participate in the research experiment. The assurance was given to the participants to maintain the complete confidentiality and the commitment was taken from them provide the correct information about the past experience. In the 3rd week they must provide the right feedback based on the today’s GIBMA Kriya as it will set the model to be followed by the road users through out the world.

Before starting the experiment the anticipatory  gratitude meditation session was conducted by playing the video and the participants were made to deep inhale, hold on and exhale the breath for 7 minutes and listen to the words, music used in the video and speak those words in mind without moving the lips. This process is recharging the emotional state of mind and to make the environment more conducive for the Burning Kriya the first step of the GIBMA Kriya.

Before supplying the survey sheet, once again the assurance was given that the survey report will be maintained highly confidential and will not be disclosed to third party as we need the analysis in general not in specific person. The survey sheet was bearing the empty fields to enter personal information and 10 questions about their past experience on road to be answered by ticking the box as yes or no format.

The survey sheet was supplied to all of them to answer with tick on yes or no correctly about their past experience was sought and recorded.

96% participants were blaming others for the road accident deaths. 91% admitted they violate traffic rules,  69% said they experience minor injuries in road traffic accidents, and 7 % said they experienced major injuries in road traffic accidents and 1% lost the life of their loved one in road traffic accident.

Then the participants were supplied one match box, glass of water, white sheet, pen and a sheet printed with General Script prepared with negative affirmation such as don’t drink and drive, don’t jump red signals, don’t use mobile phones when on wheels complete the Burning Kriya. They were made  to copy the printed script on the sheet with pen. After that they were asked to burn this hand written paper with the match stick and speak out loudly that I have burnt the unwanted and bad habits out", and these things are having zero existence in my life. I have dropped old habits and ready willing and able to adopt new habits, by obsering 24 hours neutrality dare (neutral state of mind) also called as the Neutrality Kriya, the second step of the GIBMA Kriya. Then in a bid to self appreciate they self-congratulated and danced for 2 minute on the music played.

The group of 100 people were given the envelope containing the 5F Matrix Superscript printed on a paper and a plain sheet to write down with the pen after completing the neutrality kriya. The complete process of Sowing Kriya was printed on a sheet was also supplied to them.

In the process of sowing Kriya they were asked to write down their superscript as input twice on a piece of white paper twice, once under regular breathing and once under holding the breath after deep inhaling and write line and release the breath and the process was repeated to write down the complete superscript and once the process is completed they drink the glass of drinking water lying near to them. Click the photograph of the writing script and send it to us by whatsapp.

They made the commitment that they will write it down as per the given time and they also will not make other family member to write it down on their behalf. All the participants completed the sowing kriya.

Discussion - Principal findings of the study

After 3 week later, all the participants were contacted and asked about their actions and behavior on roads. According to this research, the controlled output was 92%. The 2 Participants faced distress situation and both handled it correctly this is a big achievement and the best solution to end road carnage.

Trained research assistants obtained the feedback from the participants regarding their actions and behavior on roads, regarding mind wandering, external distraction, negative affect, alcohol use, drug use, mobile phone use, over speeding,  sleep deprivation, stress, traffic rules violation, freedom of choice, sense of anonymity, sense of escape and  instant gratification.

Strengths and weaknesses

The sowing Kriya using 4P techniques must be repeated as many times possible by keeping a glass of water near you and drink it on completion of the process and must repeat the process for at least 21 days for better results, if it is done once or twice then it may not bring the much positive result.

Potential confounders were the people who have repeated the process for one day only, and the participants who have given incorrect feedback..  

Controlled output measures 

Responsibility for the road traffic crash, mind wandering, external distraction, negative affect, alcohol use, drug use, mobile phone use, over speeding,  sleep deprivation, stress, traffic rules violation, freedom of choice, sense of anonymity, sense of escape and  instant gratification.

Potential confounders were controlled input, the script 5C Matrix having negative affirmation words and crash characteristics


92% positive result in second group with the superscript of 5F Matrix.

TheGIBMA Kriya with 4P techniques using  superscript of 5F Matrix as a mind remapping can get the best controlled output.


Science says the desire to be in control of one's own life motivates people to take action when others tell them not to. The behavior is purely psychological and is known as reactance, which is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure that we're free to do whatever it is that we want to do with our own lives.

When you label something as Forbidden Fruit and then tell people they can't eat it, you make them want it, even if they didn't want it at first.

Whenever you hear words like "you won't believe," or "you don't know," the brain automatically encourages you to challenge the title, making you want to see more and do more.

Other than genetics, there are many other factors that may contribute to your urge to do things you're prohibited from doing, and psychology and physiology often play a major role in why we don't have to worry about intimidation and restraint.

Do not jump red signals, don't drink and drive, don't use mobile phones, and any other do not or no words are the restraining words that don't work since people don't want to be controlled.

Consequently the road accident deaths are increasing day by day and the people know the right things but they don't implement those principles in their daily life.

The road accident deaths are increasing day by day because the people know the right things but don't implement them in their daily lives. 

The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim conveying the proverbial principle  "see no evil,  hear no evil, speak no evil". According to law of attraction and psychology the defining of 3 wise monkeys and also the above mentioned conventional road safety awareness messages  are negative affirmation and it should be changed it to positive affirmation to get the positive outcome.


It is well established science and research proven fact that water gets influenced by human emotions and word chanting.  Research also shows meditation as little as 5 to 20 minutes a day can have a significant impact and  can change your life. The Power of Writing It Down is your guide to this transformative tool available to everyone. With the daily writing practice you can store the right information in your subconscious mind which will become your habit and your habits will determine your future. Identify your ruts and create new neurological grooves toward better Identify your behavioral ruts and create new neurological habit grooves that are more beneficial. The combination of drinking water therapy and write-it-down is a tried, tested & true method for getting started, staying inspired, and using this simple habit to change how you feel and show up in life. A pen and paper and a glass of water and the use of right script is simply a method, it can reprogram the brain, store subconscious and make the habit and the reward is the real magic, deeper self-discovery, creativity, and a sense of intentionality.  5F Matrix, a controlled input is the ultimate solution to bring a major change in the actions and behavior of road users so as to get the controlled output. More additional tools are required to be used as constant reminders, to monitor the action and behavior of the road users.


The road users can become a master of self-control in an out of control world.  Every road user should participate for the self-improvement and take action by doing GIBMA kriya using this 5F Matrix superscript to get the controlled output by using 4P Techniques with a glass of drinking water. Make the foundation strong enough for better results.

Those who want to become better people must accept the challenge for self-improvement, take GIBMA Kriya,  transforming community awareness into preparedness. Be a master of self-control in an out of control world.

Authored By
Dr. Jyotsna Singh

Psychologist & Chief Scientist

Ref: Flip the Script - Campaign of United Nations
"The science behind why we do things we're told not to do" Written by: Anthony Bouchard
Dr. Hew Len-healed a ward of mentally ill criminals







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